MAPS - Minnesota Automated Plate Scanner Catalog of the POSS I


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'plates' Table Parameters

The 'plates' database table stores information specific to each POSS I field in the MAPS Catalog (Why 'plates'? Because 'fields' is a reserved word in MySQL and can't be used as the name of a database table). The following parameters are stored for each field in the MAPS Catalog:

Field Name Definition
possfield MAPS POSS I Field Name
possnumber MAPS POSS I Field Number
mln Palomar Sky Survey Emulsion Number
epoch Date of Observation
numobjs Number of objects in the field
numstars Number of objects classed as stars
numgalax Number of objects classed as galaxies (non stellar)
ramin, ramax Minimum and Maximum Right Ascension (equatorial B1950.0 coordinates on the FK4 system). Stored internally as a 1000*seconds integer. If the field crosses 0/24 hours, then the minra stores the value "below" 24 hours and maxra stores the value "above" 0 hours. Such 0/24 hour crossing fields can thus be easily identified because their maxra are less than their minra.
declmin, declmax Minimum and Maximum Declination (equatorial B1950.0 coordinates on the FK4 system). Stored internally as a 1000*arcseconds integer.
raJmin, raJmax Minimum and Maximum Right Ascension (ecliptic J2000.0 coordinates on the FK5 system). Same format as ramin and ramax.
declJmin, declJmax Minimum and Maximum Declination (ecliptic J2000.0 coordinates on the FK5 system). Same format as declmin and declmax.
lmin, lmax Minimum and Maximum Galactic Longitude (lII system). Stored internally as a 1000*arcseconds integer. If the field crosses 0/24 hours, then the minl stores the value "below" 360 degrees and maxl stores the value "above" 0 degrees. Such 0/360 degree crossing fields can thus be easily identified because their maxl are less than their minl.
bmin, bmax Minimum and Maximum Galactic Latitude (lII system). Stored internally as a 1000*arcseconds integer.
Ebv_Smin, Ebv_Smax Minimum and Maximum E(B-V) in this POSS I field based on the bilinear interpolation of the dust maps from Schlegel, Finkbeiner, & Davis (1998). See the discussion below on the Ebv_S parameter for the object Tables for a description of how to compute extinction corrections in the POSS I bandpasses.
magdomax, magdemax Limiting diameter-based (stellar) magnitude on the O and E plates, respectively.
magiomax, magiemax Limiting integrated magnitude on the O and E plates, respectively.
seeingo, seeinge Seeing estimate (in arcseconds) from the point spread function (PSF) on the O and E plates, respectively.
thresho, threshe Surface brightness limit from PSF (in magnitudes/arcsec^2) on the O and E plates, respectively.
skyo, skye Sky surface brightness estimate from PSF (in magnitudes/arcsec^2) on the O and E plates, respectively.
csrco, csrce Photometric calibration sources on the O and E plates, respectively.
  • 0 - only Guide Star Catalog
  • 1 - CCD calibration
  • 2 - Photoelectric measurements
  • 3 - both CCD and Photoelectric measurements
mindo, maxdo, minde, maxde Minimum and Maximum diameters for the calibration in EREs (i.e. - Encoder Resolution Elements where 1 ERE = 0.366μ, 0".0245). Note that these are "areal" diameters, not major-axis diameters. "Areal" diameters are determined by taking the area of the object in square ERE and dividing it by pi, then taking the square root. For non-circular objects, this is not an accurate representation of the diameter. However, most of the stars used in the photometric calibration should be fairly circular.
rms[1-3]o, rms[1-3]e Photometric calibration fit RMS for different magnitude ranges
  • rms1o,rms1e: Photometric calibration fit RMS for magnitude 8 - 14 in O and E respectively.
  • rms2o,rms2e: Photometric calibration fit RMS for magnitude 14 - 20 in O and E respectively.
  • rms3o,rms3e: Photometric calibration fit RMS for magnitude 20 - 22 in O and E respectively.