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'cuts' Table Parameters
The 'cuts' database table stores information describing which portions of a POSS I field were deleted or removed from the MAPS Catalog due to their either being a diffraction halo around a bright star, plate defects, or extended nebulosity which can't be processed. The following parameters are stored for each cut performed on the MAPS Catalog:
Field Name |
Definition |
possfield |
MAPS POSS I Field Name |
possnumber |
MAPS POSS I Field Number |
emul |
The emulsion of the plate. Either 'O' for the blue-sensitive Kodak 103a-O emulsion and 'E' for the red-sensitive Kodak 103a-E emulsion. The plot below shows the spectral response of these emulsions versus UBVRI filters.
type |
Lists the kind of cut recorded, either a 'box' cut or a 'cir' cut (for circular cut). |
x1, y1 |
In the case of a box cut, this is the location of first corner of the cut in plate coordinates (in ERE).
In the case of a 'cir' cut, this is the center of the circular aperature cut in plate coordinates (in ERE). |
x2, y2 |
In the case of a box cut, this is the location of second corner of the cut in plate coordinates (in ERE). This is left 'blank' in the case of 'cir' cuts. |
ra1_est, decl1_est |
An estimate of the sky position of x1, y1 in B1950 coordinates. Since the astrometric calibration was done on the E plate coordinate system, this estimate is more accurate for E plate cuts versus O plate cuts. |
ra2_est, decl2_est |
An estimate of the sky position of x2, y2 in B1950 coordinates. Again, this estimate is more accurate for E plate cuts versus O plate cuts. |
rad, rad_asec |
In the case of a 'cir' cut, this is the radius of the cut in ERE and arcseconds, respectively. For 'box' cuts, these two fields are left 'blank'. |