Minnesota APS (MAPS) Catalog of the POSS I Source Code Outline ============================================================== Since the MAPS Catalog data is stored in a proprietary format, we are providing ANSI C and Perl 5 source code for reading the MAPS Catalog datafiles. This code is being distributed under the GNU General Public License. This README file contains a brief overview of the source code that is available and how to compile it. Files and Directories in the source_code/ directory include: source_code/gpl.txt : A full copy of the GNU General Public License outlining how you may use this source code. Use of this source code requires acceptance of this license. If you do not wish to accept this license, please do not use this source code. source_code/C: This directory contains sample ANSI C source code for reading the contents of MAPS Catalog data files. Files in this directory include the following: Makefile: This simple Makefile will allow 'make' to be used to compile this source code on most *nix/Linux/BSD operating systems. It may require minor tweaking to set your compiler and compiler flags. archive.h: This C header files is required in order to define the data structures used later in this code. archive2ascii.c: This C source code generates a command line executable (archive2ascii) which converts a MAPS Catalog archive data file into an ASCII (space-delimited) table. The following two files are used to construct libarchive.a which provides functions for simplified reading of the MAPS Catalog data. archiveio.c: This C source code is used to construct a library. It contains subroutines to reading MAPS Catalog archive datafiles. memory.c: The C source code to a memory handling library. source_code/Perl5: This directory contains a sample perl5 script for reading the contents of MAPS Catalog data files. source_code/Perl5/archive2ascii.pl: A perl script for converting a MAPS Catalog archive data file into a ASCII (space-delimited) table. - This documentation last updated by Juan Cabanela on March 24, 2003.