# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 883265 10000 950000 27656 21:31:05.82 -26:25:02.0 21:33:09.02 -26:31:22.0 E box 650041 870696 637722 870696 20:58:13.24 -32:27:18.3 20:57:49.31 -32:27:20.8 E box 204647 209337 191552 209409 21:10:19.69 -27:49:31.0 21:09:55.42 -27:49:28.8 E box 354596 874796 346321 874796 21:14:54.59 -32:22:59.4 21:14:38.53 -32:22:58.8 E box 487047 833592 496174 826582 20:01:09.37 -32:11:49.5 20:01:27.03 -32:08:56.7 O box 880314 10000 950000 29775 21:31:00.42 -26:25:04.2 21:33:09.16 -26:32:14.1 O box 354783 874676 369876 874494 21:14:54.95 -32:22:56.4 21:15:24.24 -32:22:52.8 O box 893961 523135 885180 523216 21:31:56.90 -29:55:12.0 21:31:40.31 -29:55:21.4 O box 436816 197973 443091 197918 19:59:35.33 -27:50:59.6 19:59:46.97 -27:50:58.7