# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 350532 89831 330416 89126 20:48:50.08 -27:06:30.6 20:48:13.06 -27:06:07.0 E box 650041 870696 637722 870696 20:58:13.24 -32:27:18.3 20:57:49.31 -32:27:20.8 O box 350674 89790 335081 89790 20:48:50.34 -27:06:29.6 20:48:21.63 -27:06:24.8 O box 650526 870960 637649 870794 20:58:14.18 -32:27:24.7 20:57:49.17 -32:27:23.2 E box 487047 833592 496174 826582 20:01:09.37 -32:11:49.5 20:01:27.03 -32:08:56.7