# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 881617 10000 950000 28085 20:13:10.87 -26:31:47.2 20:15:17.08 -26:38:26.1 E box 436487 197918 435811 175586 19:59:34.72 -27:50:58.3 19:59:33.58 -27:41:48.5 E box 250731 119264 262422 119766 19:53:52.46 -27:18:01.7 19:54:14.01 -27:18:18.2 E box 575642 127842 571034 127956 20:03:51.90 -27:22:07.4 20:03:43.40 -27:22:10.9 E box 487047 833592 496174 826582 20:01:09.37 -32:11:49.5 20:01:27.03 -32:08:56.7 O box 880699 10000 950000 30418 20:13:09.19 -26:31:47.8 20:15:17.20 -26:39:23.5 O box 10000 10000 221376 27134 19:46:34.55 -26:31:01.4 19:53:01.11 -26:40:03.5 O box 251150 119735 257180 119682 19:53:53.22 -27:18:13.4 19:54:04.34 -27:18:14.3 O box 436816 197973 443091 197918 19:59:35.33 -27:50:59.6 19:59:46.97 -27:50:58.7 O box 487263 833791 493530 833791 20:01:09.79 -32:11:54.4 20:01:21.93 -32:11:54.2