# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 880670 10000 950000 31908 13:16:54.48 -27:10:40.8 13:19:03.12 -27:19:04.6 E box 20978 20046 221543 31485 12:50:30.45 -27:11:32.9 12:56:39.40 -27:18:46.5 O box 879567 10000 950000 28683 13:16:52.45 -27:10:41.3 13:19:02.99 -27:17:45.2 O box 22137 20043 218369 29685 12:50:32.59 -27:11:33.9 12:56:33.63 -27:18:00.3