# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 875659 10000 950000 27377 05:27:18.70 -26:42:04.6 05:29:36.03 -26:48:18.8 E box 916793 10000 950000 469285 05:28:34.13 -26:41:36.1 05:30:03.11 -29:49:24.0 E box 916726 469285 927779 922552 05:29:00.30 -29:49:50.9 05:29:51.11 -32:55:27.2 O box 894700 21000 950000 28000 04:09:12.71 -26:38:32.1 04:10:54.43 -26:40:52.1 O box 881125 10000 950000 28418 05:27:28.72 -26:42:00.9 05:29:36.09 -26:48:44.5 O box 802229 602617 804838 591060 04:33:36.62 -30:39:32.8 04:33:41.04 -30:34:46.9 O box 878806 10000 950000 24834 05:53:42.90 -26:46:55.7 05:55:54.39 -26:52:10.3 O box 561015 814687 571332 808835 05:44:09.68 -32:19:16.9 05:44:29.60 -32:16:51.0 O box 879515 10000 950000 27887 01:32:14.09 -26:23:31.7 01:34:23.97 -26:30:04.6