# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 898000 21000 950000 32000 05:01:34.04 -26:43:54.0 05:03:10.08 -26:47:44.2 E box 739871 485328 739871 472282 04:31:33.28 -29:52:00.3 04:31:32.79 -29:46:39.2 O box 898000 21000 950000 31200 05:01:34.04 -26:43:54.0 05:03:10.03 -26:47:24.5 O box 894700 21000 950000 28000 04:09:12.71 -26:38:32.1 04:10:54.43 -26:40:52.1