# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 887099 10000 950000 29130 03:43:34.02 -26:34:24.2 03:45:30.49 -26:41:23.3 E box 757997 814425 751445 814425 03:40:15.44 -32:05:50.7 03:40:02.77 -32:05:54.8 E box 255941 136869 260558 136869 03:24:15.50 -27:29:26.9 03:24:24.03 -27:29:27.9 O box 888097 10000 950000 26835 03:43:35.85 -26:34:23.4 03:45:30.34 -26:40:26.8 O box 758265 814303 745260 814303 03:40:15.95 -32:05:47.5 03:39:50.80 -32:05:55.7 O box 900522 437458 906835 437287 03:44:25.12 -29:29:29.8 03:44:36.99 -29:29:20.2