# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 877334 10000 950000 33337 03:17:29.14 -26:24:26.5 03:19:43.49 -26:33:05.0 E box 918890 10000 950000 950000 03:18:45.15 -26:23:55.7 03:20:46.74 -32:48:40.7 E box 625277 409071 625368 398283 03:09:58.26 -29:10:20.4 03:09:58.15 -29:05:54.7 O box 226568 301577 237179 291647 02:31:39.10 -28:27:01.8 02:31:59.14 -28:23:01.1 O box 880676 10000 950000 32741 03:17:35.25 -26:24:24.1 03:19:43.46 -26:32:50.4 O box 73999 10000 225935 25553 02:52:59.27 -26:25:40.9 02:57:36.94 -26:33:06.7 O box 625043 410114 612088 408185 03:09:57.85 -29:10:46.1 03:09:33.48 -29:10:02.9 O box 326588 79226 325840 91742 23:23:26.15 -20:54:42.6 23:23:24.65 -20:59:50.4