# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 874897 264245 857569 264343 13:16:12.98 -22:54:14.9 13:15:42.15 -22:54:23.8 E box 24000 10000 950000 31000 12:24:40.54 -21:13:27.2 12:51:49.45 -21:21:54.1 O box 877000 20000 950000 25500 13:16:10.12 -21:14:05.3 13:18:18.69 -21:15:50.3 O box 874229 264886 860258 264704 13:16:11.81 -22:54:31.0 13:15:46.94 -22:54:31.7 E box 588477 747132 638666 800477 12:15:33.64 -26:17:31.6 12:17:06.16 -26:39:17.2