# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 879807 10000 950000 35962 05:53:21.12 -20:42:01.6 05:55:25.19 -20:52:01.4 E box 736342 34691 736738 50773 05:49:10.42 -20:53:11.9 05:49:11.52 -20:59:47.4 E box 503224 263079 501542 239009 05:42:22.59 -22:27:42.8 05:42:19.50 -22:17:50.4 O box 882535 10000 950000 34466 05:53:25.90 -20:42:00.2 05:55:25.13 -20:51:24.6 O box 736371 34045 736371 48646 05:49:10.46 -20:52:56.0 05:49:10.83 -20:58:55.2 O box 503978 264408 503565 240238 05:42:23.94 -22:28:15.5 05:42:23.09 -22:18:20.5 O box 686238 341243 673420 340381 05:47:48.98 -22:59:12.7 05:47:26.13 -22:58:55.3 O box 515705 148891 523164 154928 05:42:44.07 -21:40:51.1 05:42:57.27 -21:43:19.0 O box 427321 253590 417290 245024 05:40:07.92 -22:23:50.9 05:39:50.16 -22:20:19.7