# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 882280 21782 926322 29862 04:35:24.77 -20:46:18.9 04:36:42.27 -20:49:15.7 E box 391773 637545 378317 637636 04:20:59.98 -25:00:22.2 04:20:35.63 -25:00:22.6 E box 917747 605935 925663 922367 04:10:53.00 -24:43:04.7 04:11:19.24 -26:52:45.4 O box 885601 19880 926559 29006 04:35:30.53 -20:45:30.5 04:36:42.66 -20:48:54.5