# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 809114 127263 793060 127029 01:57:39.06 -21:19:12.8 01:57:10.81 -21:19:10.0 E box 696083 339018 682336 338764 01:54:21.11 -22:46:18.7 01:53:56.66 -22:46:13.3 O cir 421344 530835 14310 00:27:52.38 -24:03:54.2 360.2 O box 878311 10000 950000 22952 01:59:38.55 -20:30:51.1 02:01:44.39 -20:35:47.5 O box 809351 127099 797042 127238 01:57:39.48 -21:19:08.7 01:57:17.82 -21:19:14.4 O box 88505 165001 76397 165292 01:36:29.21 -21:31:47.5 01:36:07.86 -21:31:46.4 O box 330028 711502 317129 711454 01:43:19.35 -25:18:05.8 01:42:55.96 -25:17:59.3 O box 553280 694961 558247 684366 23:43:26.36 -18:57:09.2 23:43:34.97 -18:52:48.5 O box 491374 635848 500648 629173 23:41:39.30 -18:32:51.9 23:41:55.37 -18:30:08.2 O box 881989 10000 950000 22504 02:25:22.51 -20:29:14.3 02:27:22.01 -20:33:47.2 O box 700786 527243 691047 527423 02:20:15.69 -24:02:30.8 02:19:58.21 -24:02:37.9 O box 438027 89720 452112 89657 23:40:11.41 -14:48:45.3 23:40:35.29 -14:48:45.3