# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 885739 10000 950000 26175 23:28:49.16 -14:19:59.4 23:30:38.42 -14:26:08.0 E box 578287 889154 567102 885087 23:20:20.38 -20:22:03.3 23:20:00.77 -20:20:25.3 O box 886823 10000 950000 28618 23:28:50.99 -14:19:58.9 23:30:38.50 -14:27:08.1 O box 573865 148824 576795 160628 23:20:03.24 -15:18:30.0 23:20:08.36 -15:23:19.8 O box 579132 889354 583873 878904 23:20:21.86 -20:22:08.0 23:20:30.00 -20:17:50.1 O box 883357 21000 950000 27500 22:40:56.00 -14:26:07.8 22:42:48.99 -14:28:26.2