# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 885949 10000 950000 24797 16:17:15.12 -15:03:44.4 16:19:04.27 -15:09:22.1 E box 838477 746133 839568 735399 16:16:13.44 -20:05:49.0 16:16:15.04 -20:01:24.6 E box 591867 631955 592473 653214 16:09:01.79 -19:20:06.9 16:09:03.05 -19:28:50.0 E box 414900 805485 410792 790156 16:03:53.76 -20:31:27.0 16:03:46.62 -20:25:09.7 E box 435763 836034 440303 823728 16:04:30.25 -20:43:59.0 16:04:38.21 -20:38:56.3 E box 366499 677879 369225 652736 16:02:29.85 -19:39:04.4 16:02:34.75 -19:28:45.8 O box 787188 725773 778654 717584 15:50:26.42 -20:00:47.0 15:50:11.32 -19:57:28.5 O box 884699 10000 950000 26932 16:17:13.00 -15:03:44.9 16:19:04.34 -15:10:14.7 O box 850614 710770 904657 746666 16:16:33.58 -19:51:14.2 16:18:08.94 -20:05:32.6 O box 414494 806535 415295 790428 16:03:53.05 -20:31:52.8 16:03:54.50 -20:25:16.6 O box 435322 836045 437664 824733 16:04:29.47 -20:43:59.3 16:04:33.59 -20:39:21.0 O box 881404 10000 950000 36495 22:16:32.23 -08:21:16.5 22:18:26.47 -08:31:48.1 O box 614521 651289 924716 684760 16:09:41.38 -19:27:59.2 16:18:41.79 -19:40:00.4 O box 367785 676764 373329 649045 16:02:32.10 -19:38:37.0 16:02:41.91 -19:27:15.3 O box 531442 575081 632474 680758 16:07:16.46 -18:56:54.0 16:10:12.98 -19:40:01.3