# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 885488 10000 950000 24641 02:16:10.81 -14:22:30.1 02:18:00.39 -14:28:06.4 E box 228077 208014 232159 201442 01:33:31.74 -15:39:11.4 01:33:38.75 -15:36:30.3 O box 883121 10000 950000 28022 02:16:06.80 -14:22:30.9 02:18:00.48 -14:29:29.6 E box 852050 315973 896913 377787 01:03:34.35 -16:21:52.0 01:04:52.90 -16:46:52.9