# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 873788 10000 950000 27002 16:40:39.50 -09:04:32.2 16:42:46.17 -09:11:22.8 E box 644807 212236 694976 227196 16:34:18.94 -10:27:33.8 16:35:42.59 -10:33:43.0 E box 384588 795904 375188 796075 16:26:57.24 -14:26:27.9 16:26:41.33 -14:26:30.2 O box 365387 22896 366144 45721 15:14:18.55 -09:18:38.8 15:14:19.68 -09:28:00.3 O box 874912 10000 950000 26590 16:40:41.37 -09:04:32.1 16:42:46.17 -09:11:12.6 O box 259894 697303 303808 750871 16:23:28.10 -13:45:31.8 16:24:41.28 -14:07:41.6 O box 649176 212319 650026 148776 16:34:26.23 -10:27:36.0 16:34:27.80 -10:01:32.5 O box 384465 795947 374754 795947 16:26:57.04 -14:26:28.9 16:26:40.60 -14:26:26.9 O box 671274 247286 790675 248289 13:22:34.42 -10:54:56.0 13:25:53.79 -10:54:53.1