# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 668725 245657 671098 179128 13:22:30.15 -10:54:16.4 13:22:33.26 -10:26:58.9 E box 262159 702555 262594 665357 13:11:09.23 -14:02:07.1 13:11:10.16 -13:46:51.8 O box 881220 10000 950000 25157 11:52:10.53 -09:19:40.3 11:54:05.12 -09:25:34.9 E box 792836 20000 950000 32700 13:25:53.43 -09:21:15.9 13:30:14.83 -09:25:40.9 E box 666963 246054 745119 245569 13:22:27.21 -10:54:26.5 13:24:37.69 -10:53:57.7 E box 722954 471984 711944 472203 13:24:04.16 -12:26:54.0 13:23:45.67 -12:27:02.0 O box 388090 529946 366575 530039 10:02:40.47 -12:49:05.8 10:02:04.29 -12:49:06.6 O box 884112 10000 950000 31995 13:28:24.86 -09:16:43.7 13:30:14.82 -09:25:23.6 O box 671274 247286 790675 248289 13:22:34.42 -10:54:56.0 13:25:53.79 -10:54:53.1 O box 262678 700299 262678 674216 13:11:10.12 -14:01:11.6 13:11:10.26 -13:50:29.8