# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 871740 10000 950000 34253 09:27:45.08 -09:09:30.0 09:29:55.60 -09:19:01.6 E cir 520535 33824 13562 09:18:02.25 -09:20:29.5 341.4 E cir 494956 387791 13384 09:17:22.01 -11:45:41.0 336.9 O box 874839 10000 950000 35253 09:27:50.22 -09:09:29.1 09:29:55.62 -09:19:26.2 O cir 520596 34380 17080 09:18:02.35 -09:20:43.2 429.9 O cir 494776 388142 13652 09:17:21.71 -11:45:49.7 343.6