# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 884721 10000 950000 28298 20:40:26.11 -02:27:39.2 20:42:13.34 -02:35:03.2 E box 654467 47217 653176 61615 20:34:08.57 -02:43:11.3 20:34:06.50 -02:49:05.5 E box 394586 95260 394666 110056 20:27:02.16 -03:02:57.4 20:27:02.28 -03:09:01.3 O box 882310 10000 950000 26614 17:04:22.85 -02:59:13.9 17:06:14.01 -03:05:59.6 O box 881272 10000 950000 27296 20:40:20.46 -02:27:39.6 20:42:13.33 -02:34:38.5 O box 745571 27912 749037 40269 20:36:37.94 -02:35:11.1 20:36:43.69 -02:40:14.8 O box 349291 164175 350407 178311 20:25:47.69 -03:31:11.5 20:25:49.50 -03:36:59.2 E cir 517398 27438 50 16:06:26.04 -03:07:46.5 1.3