# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 883004 10000 950000 28446 12:40:07.19 -03:16:24.3 12:41:57.53 -03:23:39.9 E box 921867 10000 950000 950000 12:41:11.00 -03:16:13.8 12:42:17.28 -09:41:16.3 O box 882775 10000 950000 26585 12:40:06.81 -03:16:24.4 12:41:57.50 -03:22:54.2 O box 550712 870724 535792 870786 12:31:12.39 -09:10:32.1 12:30:47.62 -09:10:36.4 O box 750554 659795 737493 660094 12:36:40.35 -07:43:19.6 12:36:18.75 -07:43:30.3 O box 664543 341424 651556 341633 12:34:13.27 -05:33:08.7 12:33:51.88 -05:33:16.7