# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 56045 578070 69337 578010 08:41:13.30 -07:03:07.2 08:41:35.26 -07:03:07.5 E box 651940 766145 656600 756336 05:21:33.89 -07:50:56.8 05:21:41.58 -07:46:55.4 O box 880233 10000 950000 30455 09:03:50.25 -03:10:08.4 09:05:44.98 -03:18:23.3 O box 259584 27361 238046 26123 08:46:51.55 -03:17:38.7 08:46:16.19 -03:17:07.0 O box 342628 568295 323250 568569 08:49:06.81 -06:59:30.9 08:48:34.80 -06:59:36.9 O box 55307 578090 74658 577525 08:41:12.08 -07:03:07.6 08:41:44.06 -07:02:56.3 O box 485357 683430 502250 682591 08:53:02.72 -07:46:45.2 08:53:30.68 -07:46:24.2