# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 475628 778391 10000 000000 00:53:10.17 -07:37:09.2 00:40:26.21 -02:17:32.5 E box 742714 410839 10000 000000 01:00:29.81 -05:06:14.7 00:40:26.21 -02:17:32.5 E box 893714 10000 950000 21811 01:04:35.86 -02:21:40.7 01:06:08.32 -02:26:26.0 O box 118802 10000 211021 24158 00:19:26.24 -02:13:55.4 00:21:57.41 -02:19:56.9 O box 743545 410714 743099 418359 01:00:31.18 -05:06:11.5 01:00:30.49 -05:09:19.7 O box 879226 10000 950000 26540 01:04:12.09 -02:21:42.1 01:06:08.35 -02:28:22.4 E box 874139 573733 874062 562466 23:52:12.98 -00:09:55.6 23:52:12.83 -00:05:18.5