# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 882178 21000 950000 29300 21:28:15.14 03:31:53.0 21:30:06.51 03:28:23.9 E box 290776 555312 278981 555480 21:12:03.37 -00:06:49.9 21:11:44.03 -00:06:53.8 E cir 761750 477420 12500 20:36:51.30 00:18:33.6 314.6 O box 881771 21000 950000 24600 21:28:14.47 03:31:53.0 21:30:06.54 03:30:19.6 O box 724577 407922 711157 408356 21:23:55.03 00:53:23.4 21:23:33.02 00:53:13.2 O box 702439 491786 688784 492128 21:23:18.52 00:19:01.0 21:22:56.13 00:18:53.0 O cir 721750 709820 14500 20:35:45.89 -01:16:44.5 365.0