# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 341211 545881 342905 518896 09:37:16.52 -00:54:46.8 09:37:18.97 -00:43:42.6 E box 508038 357811 521094 357533 09:18:02.52 00:23:38.0 09:18:23.93 00:23:44.5 O box 583315 118515 583447 130549 09:43:48.35 02:01:09.9 09:43:48.71 01:56:13.9 O box 342257 545935 357124 546220 09:37:18.23 -00:54:48.0 09:37:42.62 -00:54:52.3 O box 54473 551311 70488 551244 09:29:26.36 -00:57:48.9 09:29:52.62 -00:57:44.7 O box 831361 705640 817165 705741 09:26:52.50 -01:59:06.3 09:26:29.21 -01:59:08.7