# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 821540 788070 805178 787723 09:26:36.43 -02:32:53.8 09:26:09.58 -02:32:45.3 E box 508038 357811 521094 357533 09:18:02.52 00:23:38.0 09:18:23.93 00:23:44.5 E box 719517 597665 707183 597137 09:23:49.05 -01:14:48.8 09:23:28.82 -01:14:35.6 E box 132232 695448 123212 687399 08:43:29.94 -01:51:51.8 08:43:15.22 -01:48:32.5 O box 816941 567013 800873 566901 09:26:28.84 -01:02:16.3 09:26:02.49 -01:02:13.3 O box 831361 705640 817165 705741 09:26:52.50 -01:59:06.3 09:26:29.21 -01:59:08.7 O box 719854 597706 711867 597882 09:23:49.60 -01:14:49.9 09:23:36.50 -01:14:54.0 O box 551248 792413 563800 792114 09:19:12.82 -02:34:36.5 09:19:33.42 -02:34:29.4 O box 299060 617374 312542 617280 09:12:19.32 -01:22:42.6 09:12:41.44 -01:22:40.7 O box 363844 277652 377904 277419 09:14:06.15 00:56:34.4 09:14:29.21 00:56:39.7 O box 395799 303366 409510 303249 09:14:58.52 00:46:00.8 09:15:21.01 00:46:03.3 O box 382916 102236 372070 102414 09:14:37.66 02:08:29.3 09:14:19.87 02:08:25.3 O box 533709 670452 533654 678822 04:54:44.86 -01:08:43.9 04:54:44.75 -01:12:09.8