# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 873459 10000 950000 39688 02:16:16.90 03:41:15.2 02:18:22.44 03:28:56.8 E box 258871 180447 243110 181216 01:59:27.18 02:32:01.4 01:59:01.32 02:31:43.2 O box 839244 120916 854535 121005 01:50:57.25 02:56:42.3 01:51:22.35 02:56:39.6 O box 872058 10000 950000 37082 02:16:14.60 03:41:15.3 02:18:22.46 03:30:01.0 O cir 259353 181445 34519 01:59:27.97 02:31:36.8 868.8 O cir 302779 567319 20498 02:00:38.02 -00:06:41.2 515.9 O box 843221 326718 834984 326939 02:15:25.31 01:31:26.3 02:15:11.80 01:31:21.5 O box 502797 681970 492935 682780 23:17:47.99 05:06:53.9 23:17:31.75 05:06:34.6