# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 876171 10000 950000 24736 23:04:27.65 09:38:31.6 23:06:30.15 09:32:09.6 E box 878427 83051 874300 95503 23:04:30.22 09:08:34.2 23:04:23.16 09:03:29.0 E box 770389 901939 773802 891349 23:01:21.42 03:33:16.6 23:01:27.14 03:37:36.5 E box 252288 255884 243394 255951 21:58:40.18 08:01:00.8 21:58:25.45 08:00:59.6 O box 879575 10000 950000 24100 23:04:33.31 09:38:30.7 23:06:30.17 09:32:25.2 O box 350075 22580 350257 36761 22:49:53.08 09:34:33.3 22:49:53.36 09:28:44.6 O box 453307 171226 457171 187479 22:52:43.98 08:33:31.4 22:52:50.31 08:26:51.3 O box 770676 901234 771687 880956 23:01:21.90 03:33:33.9 23:01:23.77 03:41:52.5 O box 789601 211114 776796 211408 22:13:30.67 08:18:04.8 22:13:09.45 08:18:00.7