# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 807325 623600 794264 624148 21:02:06.35 05:18:26.3 21:01:44.84 05:18:14.0 E box 606857 800365 610817 789987 20:56:35.86 04:06:11.9 20:56:42.39 04:10:27.0 O box 288849 251437 274676 251327 16:47:54.14 07:19:56.0 16:47:30.71 07:19:57.9 O box 881988 10000 950000 28800 21:04:15.29 09:29:46.3 21:06:08.04 09:21:51.4 O box 643358 329086 636995 319004 20:57:37.50 07:19:24.7 20:57:27.03 07:23:33.1 O box 838793 556993 850445 559616 21:02:58.62 05:45:41.2 21:03:17.80 05:44:35.4 O box 270947 276788 278815 267588 20:47:21.62 07:40:49.1 20:47:34.59 07:44:36.0 O box 44775 637223 52119 647018 20:41:10.95 05:12:40.5 20:41:23.11 05:08:40.5 O box 216255 893623 228662 892230 20:45:54.40 03:27:51.3 20:46:14.76 03:28:26.4 O box 606294 800292 617036 791427 20:56:34.94 04:06:13.7 20:56:52.61 04:09:51.3 O box 196803 547523 205457 564170 20:45:20.68 05:49:42.6 20:45:35.03 05:42:53.8 O box 874116 10000 950000 26209 15:51:55.45 08:49:17.8 15:54:01.05 08:42:19.7