# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 880590 10000 950000 31966 23:28:24.01 15:42:55.7 23:30:21.70 15:33:32.7 E box 822822 483366 806311 483590 23:26:37.73 12:29:06.4 23:26:10.00 12:29:04.5 E box 260778 731459 260673 723624 23:10:55.94 10:47:46.2 23:10:55.69 10:50:59.0 E box 606604 549087 605339 562612 23:20:34.21 12:02:42.8 23:20:32.02 11:57:10.1 E box 803999 120257 805680 82987 23:02:20.01 14:57:46.8 23:02:23.10 15:13:03.4 O box 879178 10000 950000 33617 23:28:21.61 15:42:56.1 23:30:21.66 15:32:52.1 O box 260583 731847 260733 725938 23:10:55.61 10:47:36.6 23:10:55.81 10:50:02.0 O box 140433 238431 139704 246568 23:07:27.63 14:09:34.9 23:07:26.53 14:06:14.5 O box 606023 549523 605691 558582 23:20:33.24 12:02:32.1 23:20:32.63 11:58:49.2 O box 136387 912979 137050 900727 23:07:30.75 09:32:59.5 23:07:31.68 09:38:01.0 O box 822802 482688 823101 495752 23:26:37.71 12:29:23.1 23:26:38.01 12:24:01.7 O box 356508 908038 339173 908510 22:49:52.56 09:34:16.3 22:49:23.76 09:34:00.9