# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E cir 829700 763435 22090 22:38:57.11 10:34:12.4 556.0 E box 115869 559840 126762 560405 22:19:03.40 11:57:25.6 22:19:21.66 11:57:14.3 E box 299051 858927 286848 859317 21:12:03.31 09:48:14.0 21:11:43.02 09:48:02.2 O box 876216 10000 950000 35019 22:40:27.63 15:42:50.7 22:42:32.70 15:32:12.8 O cir 116716 560738 25480 22:19:04.83 11:57:03.7 641.3 O cir 833438 762606 44472 22:39:03.35 10:34:32.1 1119.4 O box 911477 746673 904566 746952 22:41:13.74 10:40:47.4 22:41:02.21 10:40:42.1 O box 655576 637282 656315 625676 22:34:07.48 11:26:20.9 22:34:08.79 11:31:06.4 O box 514590 440363 507062 440571 22:30:11.72 12:47:12.9 22:29:59.06 12:47:07.8 O box 806045 219089 806801 209036 22:38:24.94 14:17:24.9 22:38:26.37 14:21:32.0 O box 118223 243824 117008 251065 22:19:01.75 14:06:58.3 22:18:59.83 14:03:59.9 O box 142488 56141 142303 63920 22:19:39.42 15:24:00.7 22:19:39.24 15:20:49.4 O box 209577 111206 209731 103103 22:21:34.26 15:01:41.5 22:21:34.41 15:05:00.8