# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 883145 25000 925000 34220 10:40:48.68 14:35:27.8 10:41:59.32 14:31:24.1 E cir 237300 841780 11000 10:22:36.97 09:02:21.4 276.9 E cir 483600 57650 14000 10:29:31.72 14:23:43.5 352.4 E cir 510340 764390 14000 10:30:10.86 09:33:50.8 352.4 O cir 324160 698290 11000 10:25:01.39 10:01:11.6 276.9 O cir 510790 764170 36500 10:30:11.61 09:33:56.2 918.7 O cir 591920 859750 10000 10:32:25.43 08:54:32.1 251.7 O box 881469 10000 950000 30739 10:40:46.24 14:41:37.6 10:42:41.77 14:32:39.0