# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 882882 10000 950000 28871 03:28:50.82 15:27:13.0 03:30:44.61 15:19:11.4 E box 860292 402923 860399 382395 03:28:06.67 12:46:15.4 03:28:07.12 12:54:40.1 E box 731426 873768 713964 873407 03:24:26.99 09:33:33.7 03:23:57.97 09:33:44.1 O box 884987 10000 950000 28342 03:28:54.40 15:27:12.6 03:30:44.62 15:19:24.4 O box 732296 873132 732163 898662 03:24:28.44 09:33:49.3 03:24:28.06 09:23:21.4 O box 846393 637363 847225 625509 03:27:40.54 11:10:13.2 03:27:42.06 11:15:04.6 O box 860804 403147 848062 403066 03:28:07.52 12:46:09.8 03:27:46.11 12:46:14.2 O box 137883 560121 137470 572102 03:07:55.07 11:41:17.7 03:07:54.59 11:36:22.9 O cir 241256 558924 21000 01:34:25.93 11:53:11.1 528.6