# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 883383 10000 950000 25752 02:40:52.49 15:33:53.7 02:42:45.38 15:26:59.8 E box 319119 371841 305944 371230 01:59:53.98 13:14:28.1 01:59:31.78 13:14:40.4 O box 879739 10000 950000 25288 02:40:46.29 15:33:55.0 02:42:45.39 15:27:11.2 O box 641707 499956 651287 493523 02:33:54.77 12:14:08.5 02:34:10.93 12:16:45.0 O box 220006 770915 228377 762762 02:22:08.60 10:23:22.1 02:22:22.51 10:26:43.3 O box 205028 543845 204904 556316 01:56:45.11 12:03:29.6 01:56:45.13 11:58:22.9