# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 876725 10000 950000 30255 01:28:39.01 15:38:29.0 01:30:43.09 15:29:39.1 E box 885192 89199 857234 89804 01:28:51.17 15:05:57.5 01:28:03.69 15:05:53.7 O box 881907 10000 950000 33429 01:28:47.83 15:38:26.9 01:30:42.99 15:28:21.0 O box 857922 70864 904980 115148 01:28:05.37 15:13:39.3 01:29:23.99 14:55:11.0