# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 879886 10000 950000 27622 09:05:33.99 20:44:17.0 09:07:36.25 20:36:31.1 E box 61788 361787 42881 361473 08:41:50.50 18:20:15.8 08:41:17.84 18:20:16.1 O box 883113 10000 950000 23722 09:05:39.65 20:44:15.6 09:07:36.39 20:38:07.1 O box 501006 778332 482447 778332 08:54:28.29 15:30:45.5 08:53:56.72 15:30:46.0 O box 512428 738920 499069 738920 08:54:47.83 15:46:54.3 08:54:25.07 15:46:54.8 O box 61696 361094 49003 361094 08:41:50.33 18:20:32.8 08:41:28.41 18:20:27.9