# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 490532 36592 504716 36738 08:29:48.39 20:36:43.7 08:30:13.22 20:36:40.3 E box 453305 379975 466932 380312 08:28:44.54 18:15:56.3 08:29:08.06 18:15:48.7 E box 908394 366427 893459 366268 08:41:50.50 18:20:14.8 08:41:24.72 18:20:24.4 O box 883693 10000 950000 27469 08:17:48.86 20:50:46.9 08:19:44.56 20:43:07.0 E box 25000 51000 34900 171000 08:16:13.90 20:28:54.4 08:16:35.36 19:39:48.3