# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 877153 10000 950000 27583 08:17:37.38 20:50:49.6 08:19:44.56 20:43:04.2 E box 921153 10000 950000 950000 08:18:54.57 20:50:30.5 08:19:16.16 14:25:05.9 E box 596877 458594 580846 458524 08:09:22.08 17:48:07.3 08:08:54.47 17:48:10.7 O box 883693 10000 950000 27469 08:17:48.86 20:50:46.9 08:19:44.56 20:43:07.0 O box 596789 458553 596524 438873 08:09:21.92 17:48:08.3 08:09:21.62 17:56:12.5