# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 882248 10000 950000 23153 02:17:11.33 21:34:36.3 02:19:10.23 21:28:36.3 E box 831558 169132 805204 169287 01:51:56.72 20:34:02.1 01:51:10.57 20:34:11.0 O box 881398 10000 950000 25984 02:17:09.83 21:34:36.7 02:19:10.11 21:27:26.7 O box 638642 100205 639869 113027 02:10:00.42 20:59:05.7 02:10:02.36 20:53:50.1 O box 824717 289232 824335 302284 02:15:21.31 19:40:35.5 02:15:20.26 19:35:14.7 O box 106594 598069 110671 609466 01:54:37.15 17:34:39.0 01:54:44.38 17:29:59.8 O box 24499 156991 51462 160614 01:52:03.76 20:34:56.7 01:52:51.08 20:33:38.4 O box 195066 425916 206927 425973 17:41:17.76 24:20:57.4 17:41:39.10 24:21:00.1