# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 875363 10000 950000 34211 15:52:36.36 26:46:52.7 15:54:51.98 26:36:04.3 E cir 484518 64110 16590 15:40:38.38 26:27:09.4 417.6 E cir 709759 95663 15532 15:47:29.69 26:13:14.4 390.9 E cir 775824 840064 18513 15:49:04.26 21:07:37.4 466.0 O box 875830 10000 950000 35229 15:52:37.22 26:46:52.4 15:54:51.92 26:35:39.3 O cir 484873 64126 33188 15:40:39.03 26:27:09.0 835.3 O cir 221484 21314 72022 15:32:36.07 26:44:24.9 1812.8 O cir 710369 95967 15911 15:47:30.80 26:13:06.7 400.5