# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 880052 10000 950000 23025 10:16:08.52 26:41:39.8 10:18:16.11 26:35:32.6 E box 816118 454868 808290 435791 10:13:54.37 23:40:00.6 10:13:41.03 23:47:53.5 O box 877273 10000 950000 24160 10:16:03.42 26:41:41.6 10:18:16.05 26:35:04.7 O box 816232 454891 805904 431479 10:13:54.57 23:40:00.0 10:13:36.91 23:49:40.6