# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 884110 20000 925000 25340 08:32:29.98 26:46:00.8 08:33:44.76 26:43:22.2 O cir 395670 404160 12000 08:17:34.58 24:10:53.4 302.0 O cir 762160 391020 12000 08:28:33.65 24:15:03.0 302.0 O box 884080 20000 925000 29000 08:32:29.93 26:46:00.8 08:33:44.56 26:41:52.2 O box 23500 20000 213315 24295 08:06:10.11 26:46:34.0 08:11:58.69 26:46:08.4