# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 884951 10000 950000 24969 02:28:02.65 27:32:57.2 02:30:02.20 27:26:11.4 E box 96973 637049 93274 684895 02:04:13.06 23:15:29.9 02:04:08.35 22:55:51.4 E box 668191 635431 655829 635431 01:55:07.89 23:21:32.8 01:54:45.81 23:21:35.1 O box 883244 10000 950000 27662 02:27:59.50 27:32:58.1 02:30:02.07 27:25:05.2 O box 391939 305560 383881 296688 02:12:55.27 25:33:10.8 02:12:40.50 25:36:47.7 O box 880738 380517 879565 388954 02:27:40.81 25:01:08.7 02:27:38.39 24:57:41.9 O box 842177 640673 841934 649533 02:26:23.07 23:14:49.5 02:26:22.37 23:11:11.7 O box 390011 413449 390274 425705 02:12:53.20 24:48:56.2 02:12:53.83 24:43:54.7 O box 182958 280419 185185 292584 02:06:34.63 25:42:23.5 02:06:39.10 25:37:25.3 O box 96769 313132 104183 303997 02:03:59.27 25:28:14.2 02:04:12.34 25:32:03.1 O box 79951 759782 80957 773814 02:03:47.65 22:25:02.8 02:03:49.99 22:19:18.3 O box 100315 637712 104540 609953 02:04:19.04 23:15:15.4 02:04:25.50 23:26:40.3 O box 706417 169891 717690 170153 02:33:49.33 38:31:17.9 02:34:12.93 38:31:05.1 O box 880963 23021 926359 29273 08:16:24.72 38:46:44.2 08:17:59.52 38:43:25.5