# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 875682 10000 950000 37560 15:14:15.95 38:46:45.1 15:16:49.80 38:34:20.9 E box 20000 20000 225815 32404 14:44:18.04 38:40:25.2 14:51:30.75 38:38:22.1 E box 261915 20000 398429 28587 14:52:45.87 38:43:49.0 14:57:32.83 38:41:14.6 E box 876221 783298 862329 783298 15:13:28.36 33:29:57.3 15:13:01.06 33:30:06.8 O box 882147 10000 950000 36951 15:14:29.53 38:46:39.8 15:16:49.85 38:34:35.9 O box 92470 20000 246709 29110 14:46:50.11 38:41:40.4 14:52:14.41 38:39:56.1 O box 876705 782824 862079 783090 15:13:29.34 33:30:08.6 15:13:00.58 33:30:12.1