# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 872222 10000 950000 30928 11:31:13.49 38:38:50.8 11:33:54.53 38:28:53.3 E cir 448718 45905 16163 11:16:24.53 38:27:38.3 406.8 E cir 160195 317652 14958 11:06:34.82 36:34:52.4 376.5 E cir 428724 791118 35099 11:15:43.80 33:22:04.9 883.4 O box 879057 10000 950000 31397 11:31:27.83 38:38:44.1 11:33:54.49 38:28:41.8 O cir 448450 46478 19661 11:16:23.97 38:27:24.2 494.9 O cir 29329 30497 12869 11:01:45.83 38:30:53.7 323.9 O cir 430342 791018 17270 11:15:46.98 33:22:07.4 434.7