# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 875635 10000 950000 24601 10:35:59.94 38:37:14.4 10:38:34.34 38:29:53.6 O box 877616 10000 950000 25356 10:36:04.09 38:37:12.4 10:38:34.26 38:29:35.0 O box 510942 687223 510942 668258 10:23:04.35 34:03:18.3 10:23:04.62 34:11:04.8 O box 564552 260776 546778 260620 10:25:00.78 36:57:53.7 10:24:24.32 36:58:02.7