# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 878313 10000 950000 26590 14:19:51.10 44:41:55.7 14:22:33.83 44:33:28.8 E box 22248 18995 219946 25379 13:46:57.22 44:39:24.6 13:54:33.06 44:39:32.9 E box 517003 110269 491426 111209 14:05:55.38 44:05:27.6 14:04:56.99 44:05:10.3 E box 783864 813446 929959 856464 14:15:04.30 39:14:34.6 14:20:08.59 38:54:21.4 O box 882652 10000 950000 26415 14:20:01.09 44:41:50.1 14:22:33.85 44:33:33.1 O box 24000 19788 221305 23229 13:47:01.34 44:39:07.1 13:54:36.08 44:40:26.5