# WARNING: Any O plate RA/Dec values are estimates based on E plate astrometric # solutions and should not be terribly well trusted. E box 152776 10000 239531 23745 13:06:14.85 56:40:29.4 13:10:34.98 56:36:24.5 E box 879722 10000 950000 33016 13:42:22.76 56:36:42.3 13:45:45.19 56:24:54.2 E box 825149 259390 806068 259390 13:38:52.51 54:56:17.5 13:37:58.16 54:56:46.9 E box 474148 232066 414499 231823 13:22:10.57 55:12:27.9 13:19:19.18 55:12:34.0 E box 437970 679069 505343 756599 13:20:27.90 52:09:12.2 13:23:25.99 51:37:17.7 O box 879052 10000 950000 34604 13:42:20.77 56:36:43.6 13:45:44.77 56:24:15.3 O box 10000 10000 131986 34384 12:59:09.98 56:36:44.7 13:05:16.92 56:30:03.4 O box 418405 685827 499360 759430 13:19:35.68 52:06:24.7 13:23:10.13 51:36:09.4 O box 813602 519132 796211 518605 13:37:35.57 53:10:18.4 13:36:48.16 53:10:56.0 O box 473287 236983 355940 235369 13:22:08.03 55:10:27.1 13:16:31.09 55:10:52.5